Cuando me enteré de que Teen Top estaba viniendo a Hawaii / que ya están aquí, yo no lo podía creer. He sido su fan desde que debutó en el 2010. Y para que ellos finalmente estén llegando a Hawaii, yo estaba decidida a conseguir aunque sea verlos a ellos. Tengo a mi mejor amiga que le gusto el grupo desde septiembre del 2012 y también se convirtió en un 'Angel' a morir. Con esto dicho, estábamos decididas a encontrarlos.
Dormía en mi casa la noche del jueves y nos despertamos a las 4:45 a.m. del viernes hasta la cabeza en Waikiki. Al llegar a su prontitud a las 6:00 AM, esperamos en el lobby del hotel que se hospeda en. Una hora pasó y todavía no los había visto, pero sí la esperanza no suelta. Por suerte, otro compañero de 'Angel', también un antiguo compañero de clase de minas, nos vio y se unió a nosotros. Nos decidimos a sentarse junto a los ascensores y esperar. Mientras observa los waffles deliciosos anunciado, me di la vuelta para ver 2 rubio / cabeza de color marrón claro caminando en nuestra dirección. Me tomó unos 10 segundos en darse cuenta que eso era CAP y Niel. Ni siquiera pude obtener palabras de la boca para decirle a mis amigos que se que les fue. Era más de la tartamudez y golpearlos para decirles. A continuación, los seguimos para tratar de conseguir un autógrafo o una imagen, sino que había entrado en su camioneta.
Poco después, Ricky y Changjo se dirigían hacia nosotros. Nos inclinamos y les saludamos con un "buenos días" y Ricky respondió de nuevo con un "buenos días". Tan adorable! Luego vino L.Joe. El pobre estaba llevando una gran bolsa en la espalda por sí mismo. Mi amigo procedió a saludarlo y él simplemente respondió de nuevo a nosotros con un "Hola". Después de un par de minutos nos preguntábamos dónde estaba Chunji. Poco después, Chunji vino corriendo y se encontró con el autobús para reunirse con los otros miembros.
Después de eso, mi amigo y yo decidimos caminar por Waikiki y regresamos más tarde con la esperanza de verlos. Después de 2 horas que estuvimos a punto de darnos por vencido. Yo había ido a ver si el amigo de mi papá estaba trabajando y, al hacerlo mi amigo me llamó para decirme que los vio allá, pero luego dijo que era una falsa alarma. Sin embargo, yo ya estaba camino de regreso a su encuentro y antes de darme cuenta, me encontré cara a cara con L.Joe y nos sonrió y se inclino uno del otro. Tal vez nos reconoció desde la mañana lol. Poco después, CAP, Changjo y Chunji estaban entrando en el hotel fue seguido por todos sus fans. Me había olvidado de Ricky y Niel por un segundo porque mi mente estaba en todas partes ese día. Mi amigo y yo después los seguimos hasta el ascensor sólo para conseguir una última mirada. Luego vino Ricky y Niel. Ricky y Niel entraron al ascensor y puso su frente contra la pared lol , tan lindo.
Siendo el 'Angel' a muerte que soy, insistí a mi amigo que veamos en qué piso se alojaban. Al hacerlo, nos encontramos con una nueva amiga en el camino que le pregunte si se uniría a nosotros ya que ella estaba sola. Siempre me gusta conocer gente nueva, especialmente aquellos que disfrutan de la misma música y los grupos que yo. Luego encontramos el piso que estaban hospedandose y le preguntamos a los de limpieza qué habitación era de ellos. Felizmente nos dijeron y mi nueva amiga llamó a la puerta y L.Joe se asomó y ella dijo "oh! lo siento! Estoy buscando la habitación de mi tía". Digamos que bien asustado después de haber cerrado la puerta. Ella puso sus regalos cerca de su puerta y les escribió una pequeña nota y lo puso bajo su puerta.
Después de 3 años de ser una Andromeda/Angel, mi sueño de ver a Teen Top en persona se ha convertido finalmente en realidad. Si,no tengo nada físico para demostrar que los vi, pero los recuerdos como estos los recordaré para siempre. También me enseñó a no darme por vencida. Quería renunciar después de 2 horas de espera a que regresen, pero mi corazón me decía "no". Yo he esperado demasiado tiempo por ellos no habrá una segunda vez. Por qué, ¿quién sabe cuándo volveré a verlos otra vez?. Son muy delgados en persona y de verdad como que me asusta! tienen que ser fuertes y saludables, cada vez están convirtiéndose en hombres! Pero en general, en realidad son muy guapos en persona y todavía no puedo asimiliar en mi cabeza el hecho de que estuve tan cerca de ellos en persona.
{N/T: Fue traducida tal cuál la fan lo ha escrito, se respeto los ''LOL, OMG, HOLY ST*T", no se omitio nada.}
When I heard that Teen Top was going to be in Hawaii/already here, I couldn't believe it. I have been a fan of their since they debuted back in 2010. And for them to finally be coming to Hawaii, I was determined to get even just a glimpse of them. I got my best friend into them back in September 2012 and she also became a die hard 'Angel'. With this being said, we were determined to find them.
She slept over at my house on Thursday night and we woke up at 4:45AM on Friday to head into Waikiki. Arriving their promptly at 6:00AM, we waited in the lobby of the hotel that they're staying at. An hour passed by and we still hadn't seen them but didn't loose hope. Thankfully, another fellow 'Angel', also an old classmate of mines, saw us and joined us. We decided to sit by the elevators and wait. While looking at the yummy Belgian Waffles advertised, I turned around to see 2 blonde/light brown heads walking in our direction. It took me a good 10 seconds to realize, that that was CAP and Niel. I couldn't even get words out of my mouth to tell my friends that that was them. It was more of stuttering and hitting them to tell them. We then followed them to try and get an autograph or picture but they had gone into their van.
Soon after, Ricky and Changjo were heading our way. We bowed and greeted them with a "Good Morning" and Ricky replied back with a "Good Morning". So adorable! Then came L.Joe. Poor thing was carrying a huge bag on his back by himself. My friend then proceeded to say hello and he simply responded back to us with a "Hello". After a couple of minutes we were wondering where Chunji was. Soon after, Chunji came running and ran into the bus to join his other members.
After that, my friend and I decided to walk around Waikiki and return later on in hopes of seeing them. After about 2 hours we were about ready to give up. I had gone off to see if my dad's friend was working and while doing so my friend called me to say that she saw them but then said it was a false alarm. However, I was already on my way back to meet her and before I knew it, I was face to face with L.Joe and we both smiled and bowed to each other. Maybe he recognized us from the morning lol. Soon after, CAP, Changjo and Chunji were entering the hotel being followed by all of their fans. I had forgotten about Ricky and Niel for a second because my mind was all over the place that day. My friend and I then followed them to the elevator just to get one last look. Then came Ricky and Niel. Ricky and Niel then proceeded into the elevator and continued to face the wall lol, so cute.
Being the die hard 'Angel' that I am, I insisted my friend that we see what floor they were staying on. Upon doing so, we met a new friend along the way who asked to join us since she was by herself. I always love meeting new people, especially those who enjoy the same music and groups that I do. We then found what level they're staying on and asked the housekeepers which room was theirs. They gladly told us and my new friend knocked on the door and L.Joe peeked out and she said "oh! Sorry! I'm looking for my Aunty's room". Lets just say we freaked out after he closed the door. She put her gifts near their door and I wrote them a little note and slipped it under their door.
After 3 years of being an Andromeda/Angel, my dream of seeing Teen Top in person has finally become a reality. Yes I don't have anything physical to prove that I saw them, but the memories like these that I will cherish forever. It also taught me to not give up. I wanted to give up after 2 hours of waiting them to come back, but my heart was telling me "no." That I've waited too long to not see them a 2nd time. Because who knows when I'll ever see them again. They're a lot skinnier in person and it honestly kind of scares me! They need to be healthy and strong, they're growing men! But all in all, they really are handsome in person and I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that I become that close to them in person.
{N / T: It was fan translated as what you wrote, you respect the'' LOL, OMG, HOLY ST * T ", no nothing was omitted.}
She slept over at my house on Thursday night and we woke up at 4:45AM on Friday to head into Waikiki. Arriving their promptly at 6:00AM, we waited in the lobby of the hotel that they're staying at. An hour passed by and we still hadn't seen them but didn't loose hope. Thankfully, another fellow 'Angel', also an old classmate of mines, saw us and joined us. We decided to sit by the elevators and wait. While looking at the yummy Belgian Waffles advertised, I turned around to see 2 blonde/light brown heads walking in our direction. It took me a good 10 seconds to realize, that that was CAP and Niel. I couldn't even get words out of my mouth to tell my friends that that was them. It was more of stuttering and hitting them to tell them. We then followed them to try and get an autograph or picture but they had gone into their van.
Soon after, Ricky and Changjo were heading our way. We bowed and greeted them with a "Good Morning" and Ricky replied back with a "Good Morning". So adorable! Then came L.Joe. Poor thing was carrying a huge bag on his back by himself. My friend then proceeded to say hello and he simply responded back to us with a "Hello". After a couple of minutes we were wondering where Chunji was. Soon after, Chunji came running and ran into the bus to join his other members.
After that, my friend and I decided to walk around Waikiki and return later on in hopes of seeing them. After about 2 hours we were about ready to give up. I had gone off to see if my dad's friend was working and while doing so my friend called me to say that she saw them but then said it was a false alarm. However, I was already on my way back to meet her and before I knew it, I was face to face with L.Joe and we both smiled and bowed to each other. Maybe he recognized us from the morning lol. Soon after, CAP, Changjo and Chunji were entering the hotel being followed by all of their fans. I had forgotten about Ricky and Niel for a second because my mind was all over the place that day. My friend and I then followed them to the elevator just to get one last look. Then came Ricky and Niel. Ricky and Niel then proceeded into the elevator and continued to face the wall lol, so cute.
Being the die hard 'Angel' that I am, I insisted my friend that we see what floor they were staying on. Upon doing so, we met a new friend along the way who asked to join us since she was by herself. I always love meeting new people, especially those who enjoy the same music and groups that I do. We then found what level they're staying on and asked the housekeepers which room was theirs. They gladly told us and my new friend knocked on the door and L.Joe peeked out and she said "oh! Sorry! I'm looking for my Aunty's room". Lets just say we freaked out after he closed the door. She put her gifts near their door and I wrote them a little note and slipped it under their door.
After 3 years of being an Andromeda/Angel, my dream of seeing Teen Top in person has finally become a reality. Yes I don't have anything physical to prove that I saw them, but the memories like these that I will cherish forever. It also taught me to not give up. I wanted to give up after 2 hours of waiting them to come back, but my heart was telling me "no." That I've waited too long to not see them a 2nd time. Because who knows when I'll ever see them again. They're a lot skinnier in person and it honestly kind of scares me! They need to be healthy and strong, they're growing men! But all in all, they really are handsome in person and I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that I become that close to them in person.
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