No es todos los días que se obtiene un grupo de K-Pop elogiado, y son los más jóvenes de la industria, por el legendario grupo Shinhwa. Andy, el fundador de Teen Top, mencionó en una entrevista por correo electrónico antes con "xinmsn": "que siente una sensación de satisfacción cada vez que ve a los chicos, él ve en ellos más allá que de Shinhwa."
"Xinmsn" fue invitado al MBC Korean Music Wave 2013 conferencia de prensa en Seúl, donde nos encontramos con Teen Top, que estaban gratamente sorprendidos de aprender acerca de los comentarios de sus mentores. "Es increíble y un honor pensar que somos similares a Shinhwa, y estamos muy agradecidos por ellos", dijo Chunji.
Añadiendo, L.Joe compartió que aunque, no esta con ellos amenudo, su hyung (que significa "hermano mayor" en coreano) a menudo debido a sus apretadas agendas, Andy los visita después de sus actuaciones, para asesorarlos sobre las formas de mejorar.
Tres años después de su debut, Teen Top recientemente termino con su primera gira europea en febrero y los chicos están deseando volver a Singapur este mes de noviembre con un nuevo álbum.
Entonces, ¿qué tipo de concepto pueden esperar los fans del regreso inminente?
"Nos estamos centrando en la parte del alma esta vez", bromeó L.Joe.
¿De qué manera los miembros mantienen su resistencia, para sus rutinas diarias de baile en alta energía?
Changjo: Vamos al gimnasio con regularidad. Más importante aún, vemos por nuestra dieta.
¿Quién es el bromista en el grupo?
L.Joe: (señalando a C.A.P) Él! Él es el más gracioso.
ChangJo: No necesita hacer nada. El es más que divertido.
C.A.P: Eso es correcto.
¿Que es lo que destaca a Ten Top entre la multitud (en grupos de chicos)?
Niel: Creo que tenemos un encanto especial que los fans se sienten atraídos.
¿Cuál fue la parte más difícil de ser un aprendiz?
Niel: La espera (antes de su debut).
Entonces, ¿qué les hacía seguir durante sus días de entrenamiento?
Niel: Hubo momentos en que nos sentimos como darse por vencidos. Pero nosotros pensamos en nuestro objetivo y creemos en nosotros mismos, nosotros sobrevivimos a través de los tiempos difíciles.
¿Con quienes esta agradecido Teen Top?
ChunJi: Con nuestro personal de la empresa, con nuestros padres y a nuestros hermosos fans.
It's not everyday that you get a K -Pop group praised , and are the youngest in the industry, by the legendary group Shinhwa . Andy , the founder of Teen Top, mentioned in an e-mail interview earlier with " xinmsn " : "felt a sense of satisfaction every time he sees the kids , he sees in them beyond Shinhwa . "
" Xinmsn " was invited to the 2013 MBC Korean Music Wave press conference in Seoul , where we met with Teen Top, they were pleasantly surprised to learn about the comments of his mentors . "It's amazing and an honor to think that we are similar to Shinhwa , and we are very grateful for them," said Chunji .
Adding , L.Joe shared that although not with them often, his hyung (meaning " older brother " in Korean) often due to their busy schedules , Andy 's visit after his performances , to advise on ways to improve .
Three years after its debut , Teen Top recently ended her first European tour in February and the boys are looking forward to Singapore this November with a new album.
So what kind of concept can fans expect the imminent return ?
" We are focusing on the part of the soul this time ," he joked L.Joe .
How members maintain their resistance to their daily routines in high-energy dance ?
Changjo : We're going to the gym regularly . More importantly, we see through our diet.
Who is the joker in the group?
L.Joe : (pointing to C.A.P ) He ! He is the funniest .
Changjo : No need to do anything . He is more than fun.
C.A.P : That is correct.
What is it that stands out from the crowd Top Ten (in groups of boys) ?
Niel : I think we have a special charm that fans are attracted .
What was the hardest part of being an apprentice ?
Niel : The wait ( before debut ) .
So what made them follow during your training days ?
Niel : There were times when we feel like giving up. But we think our goal and we believe in ourselves , we survive through hard times.
With whom is grateful Teen Top?
Chunji : With our company staff , our parents and our beautiful fans.
The poster MBC Korean Music Wave 2013 in Singapore were present idol groups : SHINee , EXO , 2PM , 2AM , FT Island, B1A4 , TEEN TOP, BAP , KARA , Sistar , miss A , IU , 4minute , and " mystery superstar MCs " (which will be revealed next month ) .
" Xinmsn " was invited to the 2013 MBC Korean Music Wave press conference in Seoul , where we met with Teen Top, they were pleasantly surprised to learn about the comments of his mentors . "It's amazing and an honor to think that we are similar to Shinhwa , and we are very grateful for them," said Chunji .
Adding , L.Joe shared that although not with them often, his hyung (meaning " older brother " in Korean) often due to their busy schedules , Andy 's visit after his performances , to advise on ways to improve .
Three years after its debut , Teen Top recently ended her first European tour in February and the boys are looking forward to Singapore this November with a new album.
So what kind of concept can fans expect the imminent return ?
" We are focusing on the part of the soul this time ," he joked L.Joe .
How members maintain their resistance to their daily routines in high-energy dance ?
Changjo : We're going to the gym regularly . More importantly, we see through our diet.
Who is the joker in the group?
L.Joe : (pointing to C.A.P ) He ! He is the funniest .
Changjo : No need to do anything . He is more than fun.
C.A.P : That is correct.
What is it that stands out from the crowd Top Ten (in groups of boys) ?
Niel : I think we have a special charm that fans are attracted .
What was the hardest part of being an apprentice ?
Niel : The wait ( before debut ) .
So what made them follow during your training days ?
Niel : There were times when we feel like giving up. But we think our goal and we believe in ourselves , we survive through hard times.
With whom is grateful Teen Top?
Chunji : With our company staff , our parents and our beautiful fans.
The poster MBC Korean Music Wave 2013 in Singapore were present idol groups : SHINee , EXO , 2PM , 2AM , FT Island, B1A4 , TEEN TOP, BAP , KARA , Sistar , miss A , IU , 4minute , and " mystery superstar MCs " (which will be revealed next month ) .
Trad. al español: @TeenTopPERU
Trad. al español: @TeenTopPERU
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