martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

TEEN TOP Facebook

오늘 ‘최화정의 파워타임’ 틴탑 멤버들의 한복 스타일 잘 보셨나요?
천지 한복 셀카컷 대공개합니다~!
행복한 추석 맞이하세요^.^

Did you see Teen Top’s member’s hanbok style on ‘Choi HwaJung’s Power Time’ today?
Chunji’s hanbok selca cute is made public~!
Welcome a happy Chuseok holiday^.^

Hoy Teen Top en 'Choi Hwa Jung Power Time' al estilo Hangbok, ¿Así lucen los miembros?
La foto de ChunJi en Hangbok ha sido revelado ~!
Feliz Chuseok, démosle las gracias ^.^

여~기 리키 한복 셀카컷도 있어요!
연휴 기간에도 틴탑이 출연하는 프로그램 ‘본방사수’ 해주시구요~~~ 많이 응원해주세요!

He~re is Ricky’s hanbok selca cut!
During the long weekend Teen Top appeared on the program ‘You have to watch’~~~ Please give lots of support!

Oh~Ricky vestido en hanbok también!
También Teen Top aparición especial del Chuseok en la firma de autógrafos en Nowon ~~~ Por favor denles animos!

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