드디어 내일 밤 11시! 틴탑의 네버스탑 in괌이 방송됩니다.
틴탑의 첫 단독리얼리티를 기념하여 본방사수 이벤트가 SNS를 통해 진행됩니다.
아래 참여방법을 보신 후, 엔젤분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
참여방법 하나! 틴탑의 네버스탑 in괌을 열심히 본방사수한다!
참여방법 둘! 본방사수하고 있는 TV 또는 모니터를 촬영한다!
참여방법 셋! 오늘의 주인공은 이 멤버!! 라고 생각하는 멤버와 틴탑 공식 계정에 해시태그와 함께 멘션을 보낸다!
해시태그: #틴탑의네버스탑in괌 #틴탑 #TEENTOP
틴탑 공식 트위터: @TEEN_TOP
틴탑 트위터:
캡 @asdsdf756
천지 @wowous
엘조 @ljoeljoe1123
니엘 @AH_NIEL_
리키 @T_Ricky_T
창조 @whdgus1004
1. 해시태그는 꼭 위에 공지되어 있는 3개를 모두 작성해주셔야 합니다.
2. 트위터 멘션은 틴탑 공식 트위터와, 멤버 한 명을 선정해서 보내주셔야 합니다.
3. 본방사수 이벤트는 방송이 진행되는 시간에 보내주신 멘션에만 해당됩니다.
4. 방송 중 보내주시는 멘션을 무작위로 틴탑 멤버들이 직접 답멘션을 보내드립니다.
[TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam SNS mention Event]
This is TOP media.
The first episode of 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam' will be broadcast tomorrow 11 pm(KST).
In celebration of the first episode of 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam', SNS mention event will be held.
Read carefully and join the event!
Step 1. Watch 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam' in real time.
Step 2. Take a picture of the TV or monitor you're facing.
Step 3. Send a mention to @TEEN_TOP and the member who made remarkable activities in the first episode of 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam'.
Hash tag: #틴탑의네버스탑in괌 #틴탑 #TEENTOP
TEEN TOP Official Twitter : @TEEN_TOP
TEEN TOP Twitter:
C.A.P @asdsdf756
CHUNJI @wowous
L.JOE @ljoeljoe1123
RICKY @T_Ricky_T
CHANGJO @whdgus1004
1.Do not forget to put the three Hashtags above.
2.Send your mention to TEEN TOP Official and one member's twitter together.
3.Send your mention during air time.
4.TEEN TOP members will reply to your mention at random.
*For those who couldn't watch 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam' in real time!
Please send your cheering messages via twitter mentions!
Thank you.
[TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam SNS mention Event]
This is TOP media.
The first episode of 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam' will be broadcast tomorrow 11 pm(KST).
In celebration of the first episode of 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam', SNS mention event will be held.
Read carefully and join the event!
Step 1. Watch 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam' in real time.
Step 2. Take a picture of the TV or monitor you're facing.
Step 3. Send a mention to @TEEN_TOP and the member who made remarkable activities in the first episode of 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam'.
Hash tag: #틴탑의네버스탑in괌 #틴탑 #TEENTOP
TEEN TOP Official Twitter : @TEEN_TOP
TEEN TOP Twitter:
C.A.P @asdsdf756
CHUNJI @wowous
L.JOE @ljoeljoe1123
RICKY @T_Ricky_T
CHANGJO @whdgus1004
1.Do not forget to put the three Hashtags above.
2.Send your mention to TEEN TOP Official and one member's twitter together.
3.Send your mention during air time.
4.TEEN TOP members will reply to your mention at random.
*For those who couldn't watch 'TEEN TOP Never Stop in Guam' in real time!
Please send your cheering messages via twitter mentions!
Thank you.
Esto es TOP media.
El primer episodio de 'TEEN TOP Never Stop en Guam' será transmitido mañana a las 11PM(KST/Perú 1AM).
En la celebración del primer episodio de 'TEEN TOP Never Stop en Guam' , se llevará a cabo un evento mención en SNS.
¡Lea cuidadosamente y únase al evento!
Paso 1 . Vea 'TEEN TOP Never Stop en Guam' en tiempo real.
Paso 2 . Tome una fotografía de la TV o el monitor que está frente a ti.
Paso 3 . Enviar una mención a @TEEN_TOP y el miembro que hizo una notable presentación en el primer episodio de 'TEEN TOP Never Stop en Guam'.
Hastag: #틴탑의네버스탑in괌 #틴탑 #TEENTOP
Twitter Oficial de TEEN TOP: @ TEEN_TOP
TEEN TOP Twitter:
C.A.P : @asdsdf756
CHUNJI : @wowous
L.JOE : @ljoeljoe1123
RICKY: @T_Ricky_T
1.No te olvides de poner los tres Hashtag anterior.
2.Envié su mención a TEEN TOP Oficial y junto el twitter de un miembro.
3. Envié su mención durante la emisión al aire.
4. Los miembros de TEEN TOP contestarán a la mención al azar.
* Para aquellos que no pudieron ver 'TEEN TOP Never Stop en Guam' en tiempo real!
Por favor envíe sus mensajes de ánimo a través de menciones en Twitter!
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