miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

TEEN TOP Twitter


엔젤감기조심 독감조심 병조심♡_♡

Angels por favor tengan cuidado de no resfriarse, tengan cuidado con el virus de la gripe, tengan cuidado de no caer enfermo ♡_♡

Angels please be careful not to catch a cold, be careful of the virulent flu, be careful not to fall ill♡_♡

하나 더♡_♡ 

Una más ♡_♡

One more  ♡_♡


 Nuestro Ricky kekeke

Our Ricky kekeke

Changjo: Changhyun-ah, a dog is?
Ricky: woof woof
Changjo: a cat is?
Ricky: meow meow
Changjo: hmm.. Changhyun is?
Ricky: oink oink ㅡㅡ

Nuestro C.A.P Hyung

Our C.A.P Hyung


Changjo: hyung, a dog is?
Changjo: hyung
Changjo: hyung??
Changjo: hyung
Changjo: dog hyung
Changjo: ya

Nuestro Niel Hyung

Our Niel Hyung

Changjo: I have something to say…
Niel: I’m not doing this
Changjo: No, please hear me out
Changjo: hyung
Changjo: ㅋㅋㅋ hyung
Changjo: Niel
Changjo: Ahn Daniel


Changjo: hyung
Chunji: hey hey Jonghyun-ah what’s going~~~~on?
Chunji: whats up are you sick?
Changjo: yeah hyung I think my head hurts
Chunji: no nooo you’re making me worriiiiied Jonghyun
Changjo: um.. sorry I did wrong. Please forgive me

Joe Hyung

Trad. Inglés: fyteensontop
Trad. español: teentopgt.blogspot.com

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