lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

TEEN TOP asistirá al Korean Music Wave Conferencia de prensa

El 20 de agosto a la 1:00PM hora de singapur

Transmisiones en vivo en directo, está disponible en el canal de Youtube, el enlace aquí:

El video en este momento es sólo una transmisión de prueba desde la ventana del hotel en Seúl!~
Here's what you have been waiting for. MBC Korean Music Wave in Singapore will hold its Press Conference to announce the artists line-up in Seoul tomorrow (20 Aug, Singapore time 1pm).

Here is the link to the Google Hangout Account we arebroadcasting from:

Live broadcast live is also available at Youtube channel at link here:

The video on there currently is just a test broadcast from our hotel window in Seoul

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