sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Happy White Day Angels

Los chicos de Teen Top se han tomado la molestia de desearnos un feliz White Day (que es una celebracion parecida a San Valentin) con dulces

¿Han recibido sus dulces? Aunque es algo pequeño, escribimos lago en una nota pegada en cada uno de ellos !♥ #긴생머리그녀 -Changjo

Did you get the sweets!? Though it’s small, we wrote something & pasted a note on each of them! ♥ #긴생머리그녀 -Changjo

사탕 잘 받으셨나요!? 작지만 우리가 하나하나 멘트 써서 붙였어요! ♥ #긴생머리그녀 -창

[changjo/ twitter update]:사탕 잘 받으셨나요!? 작지만 우리가 하나하나 멘트 써서 붙였어요! ♥ #긴생머리그녀 -창조
trans:  Did you get the sweets!? Though it’s small, we wrote something & pasted a note on each of them! ♥ #긴생머리그녀 -Changjo
trans cr: oursupaluv/ twitter

[changjo/ twitter update]: 오늘이 화이트데이라지요. 이게 뭘까요~? #긴생머리그녀 - 창조 
trans: Today is White Day. What can this be~? #긴생머리그녀 - Changjo
trans cr: oursupaluv/ twitter

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